Fiery Star
Explores new places with great enthusiasm

Hero Name:
Super Duper, age 10
Speaks up with super energy and super ideas

Student reports after 13 session superhero “Quest”
- Heroes that create a positive superhero identity 100%
- Heroes who develop and share their superpowers 88%
- Heroes who feel they have positively impacted their community 95%
- Heroes who feel more confident to embrace unknown experiences 79%
- Heroes who feel a boost in positive self-image 77%
- Heroes who feel more positive relationships in the classroom 82%
Feedback from our last Quest
- Average INCREASE in interpersonal strength, intrapersonal strength, affective strength, school functioning, and family involvement 47%

“My favorite part was breaking through the impossible.
I can do anything as long as I try.”
Hero Name: Crazy Platypus, age 8
Superpower: Creates joy with artistic creations

Bring Superhero Training Academy to your community!!