An Ancient Journey

Listen to the stories.  Learn the way.  Live the adventure.

The Hero's Journey

“We have not even risk the adventure alone.

For the heroes of all time have gone before us.

The labyrinth is thoroughly known.

We have only to follow the thread of the hero path.”

~ Joseph Campbell

In fireside myths and starry movies, in street festivals and mountain treks, hero stories are spun across the world.  Heroes show how to find creative power in times of crisis.  Throughout history, heroes have shown us how to risk the adventure of the unknown.  They teach the courage to change ourselves and the compassion to serve others.

For more info, teachings of Joseph Campbell.

Superhero Values

live the adventure

You practice a growth mindset.  You choose courage when face to face with the unknown.  You will go where others will not.  You quest for something that is lacking or yet to be discovered.  You discover the extraordinary.  You return and share it with the community.  The community grows.

“Leap and the net will appear.”

~ Zen Proverb

bring out the best

You become your best.  You choose to grow into your gifts and practice your creative power.  You champion the biggest block in your way – your own shadow.  You live your best self.  You invite others to do the same.

“All the colors I am haven’t been invented yet.”

~ Shel Silverstein

serve the community

You care for people.  You care for Earth.  When the call flies in the air for help, superheroes show up.

“I am you and you are me.”

~ African Proverb

transform fear

You resist the negative forces of villains with the power of nonviolence.  You stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves.  You know that everyone has the potential to be transformed by love.

“Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.”

~ Martin Luther King Jr.

Elements of Creation


The ability to create happiness


The ability to share love


The ability to focus strength


The ability to find understanding

Superhero Identity

What is your SUPER self like?

What inspires you?

Look within.  How are you like that?

Imagine.  What can you become?

Teaching - Character Kaleidoscope - Murphy 2015 (3)

TurtleBrave Turtle“Brave Turtle” lives with terminal illness.

He protects himself.

He lives fully,

with great determination.

He goes far.

The turtle is determined.

He can endure great distances.

He protects himself.


Imaginative Aurora Artist - superpower - RC 2011Imaginative “Aurora” Artist

lights up paper

with dancing colors.

Her art is imaginative

and elegant.

The aurora lights up the sky

with dazzling colors.

It is an elegant dance.

Symbol - Cheerful Star RC 2010Symbol - Curious Waterfall RC 2010

Cheerful or curious,

daring or peaceful?

Your actions speak to who you are.

“Inventive Lemur” creates everyday ~

forts from blankets, dresses from fabric, dollhouses from cardboard.

Inventive Lemur

 Ninja Clown - profile - RC 2011Clown - HopiNinja Clown

makes fun of himself

so everyone feels included.

He invents games

where there are no losers.

The “clown” is an “ancient pattern” in all cultures.

Its purpose is to show us how to laugh at ourselves,

and connect with each other in humble ways.

Suit - YouCan Toucan - AE 2007“Toucan Youcan” lovesDance Party - pose - Deerfield 2015

to encourage others

She claps and cheers,

and makes others awesome.

“Dance Party” loves

to reach out with kindness

to those who are different

and dance.

Curriculum Connections

9th grade literature.  3rd grade science.  5th grade history.  The STA curriculum is multi-age and multi-disciplined.  Staff work with teachers and build a blended curriculum in connection with state standards.  Curriculum can be focused on a single unit, interdisciplinary project, even yearlong themes.

BONUS!  Lakota.  Hispanic.  African American.  STA is a world class curriculum, with proven success in a variety of cultures.


“Let the beauty of what we love be what we do.” ~ Rumi

What do you love to do?  That’s it!  That’s where you start looking for your superpower.  How can you share this gift to bring life to others?

Look into the “elements of creation” for reference – Joy, Wisdom, Compassion, and Fortitude.  Look in any hero story, real or fictional, for inspiration.

What lights you up?  Live it.


The greatest challenge of the hero is to face the shadows within



Violence is a quick response that comes from the oldest part of the brain.  It is taught as a way to problem solve, defeat others, and meet needs.  It is hidden in everyone and gets triggered by pain and fear.  It can even become a mindset.


Pandemonium - RC 2012

Villains are mirrors of the ways that we hurt ourselves and others.  Unfocused anger.  Stealing.  Putting down others.  Putting down ourselves.  Showing the worst, they bring out the best in the young heroes.


Villains - faceoff Mad Madame - RC 2012

Learn how to listen with empathy.  Discover what a “villain” needs to return to their heroic self.  Use nonviolent communication to love.

Start your journey

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